Häire- ja elektroonilised turvasüsteemid
EVS-EN 60839-11-1:2013 Häire- ja elektroonilised turvasüsteemid. Osa 11-1: Elektrooniliste läbipääsu kontrollsüsteemide standard. Süsteemi ja komponentide nõuded
Standardi IEC 60839 see osa määratleb elektrooniliste läbipääsu kontrollsüsteemide ja nende komponentide minimaalsed funktsionaalsused, sooritusnõuded ja katsemeetodid, mida kasutatakse füüsiliseks läbipääsuks (sisenemine ja väljumine) hoonetesse ja turvatud aladele ning nende ümbrusesse. See ei hõlma nõudeid läbipunkti ajamitele ja anduritele. See standard ei ole mõeldud hõlmama nõudeid, mis on seotud väliste signaalidega sissetungi- või paanikahäire süsteemidega. 

EVS-EN 60839-11-2:2015 Häire- ja elektroonilised turvasüsteemid. Osa 11-2: Elektrooniliste läbipääsu kontrollsüsteemide standard. Rakendusjuhised

See standardisarja IEC 60839 osa määratleb minimaalseid nõudeid ja juhiseid elektrooniliste läbipääsu kontrollsüsteemide (EACS) ja/või lisaseadmete paigaldamisele ja käitamisele, et need vastaksid erinevatele kaitsetasemetele. See standard sisaldab nõudeid hoonetele ja aladele ning nende ümbrusesse paigaldatud EACS-i projekteerimise, paigaldamise, kasutuselevõtmise, hooldamise ja dokumentatsiooni kohta. Standard annab rakendusjuhised, mille eesmärk on aidata EACS-i loomise eest vastutavatel isikutel kindlaks teha EACS-i asjakohane projekteerimine ja planeerimine, seda nii kaitsetasemete kui ka sooritustasemete asjus, mis on vajalik iga paigalduse jaoks sobivaks peetava läbipääsu kontrolli ja kaitsetaseme tagamiseks. See standard ei hõlma riskianalüüsi korraldamise meetodeid ja protseduure.

EVS-EN 60839-11-31:2017 Alarm and electronic security systems - Part 11-31: Electronic access control systems - Core interoperability protocol based on Web services
IEC 60839-11-31:2016 defines procedures for communication between network clients and devices. This series of interoperability standards makes it possible to build an alarm and electronic security system with clients and devices from different manufacturers using common and well defined interfaces. The functions defined in this document covers discovery, device management and event framework. Supplementary dedicated services are defined in separate documents. The management and control interfaces defined in this document are described as Web services. This document also contains full XML schema and Web Service Description Language (WSDL) definitions. In order to offer full plug-and-play interoperability, this document defines procedures for device discovery. The device discovery mechanisms in this document are based on the WS-Discovery specification with extensions.

EVS-EN 60839-11-32:2017 Alarm and electronic security systems - Part 11-32: Electronic access control systems - Access control monitoring based on Web services
IEC 60839-11-32:2016 defines the Web services interface for electronic access control systems. This includes listing electronic access control system components, their logical composition, monitoring their states and controlling them. It also includes a mapping of mandatory and optional requirements as per IEC 60839-11-1. This document applies to physical security only. Physical security prevents unauthorized personnel, attackers or accidental intruders from physically accessing a building, room, etc. Web services usage and device management functionality are outside of the scope of this document. Refer to IEC 60839-11-31 for more information.

EVS-EN IEC 60839-11-33:2021 Alarm and electronic security systems - Part 11-33: Electronic access control systems - Access control configuration based on web services
This part of IEC 60839 defines the Web services interface for electronic access control systems. This includes listing electronic access control system components, their logical composition, monitoring their states and controlling them. It also includes a mapping of mandatory and optional requirements in accordance with IEC 60839-11-1:2013, as covered by Annex B. This document applies to physical security only. Physical security prevents unauthorized personnel, attackers or accidental intruders from physically accessing a building, room, etc. Web services usage and device management functionality are outside the scope of this document. Refer to IEC 60839-11-31:2016 for more information. This document does not in any way limit a manufacturer to add other protocols or extend the protocol defined here. For rules on how to accomplish this, refer to IEC 60839-11-31:2016.

EVS-EN IEC 60839-11-5:2020 Alarm and electronic security systems - Part 11-5: Electronic access control systems - Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP)
IEC 60839-11-5:2020 specifies the Open supervised device protocol (OSDP) for electronic access control systems. This includes communication settings, commands and replies between the ACU and the peripheral devices. It also includes a mapping of mandatory and optional requirements as per IEC 60839-11-1:2013 as covered by Annex. This document applies to physical security only. Physical security prevents unauthorized personnel, attackers or accidental intruders from physically accessing a building, room, etc.